In the area of north Bandung there is a travel destinations The Lodge Earthbound Adventure Park. The location of this mountain tourism Bandung, located at Cibodas Village, at an altitude of between 1,312 to 2,080 meters above sea level. Highest point on the summit of Mount Tangkuban Perahu. As the area is located in the mountains, the average temperature ranges between 17 ° -27 ° C. This area is also known as, one of the producers of vegetables. Lovely place with the green pine trees and visitors can breathe fresh air away from the pollution.
If you see this place thoroughly, much like the atmosphere of Tebing Keraton,
because just the other side of The Lodge is a mountain cliff palace where it is located, so it has a similar concept, namely the concept of nature with the background of the green expanse of pine forests. If you want to visit The Lodge, you can buy an entry ticket and you also have to comply with the general rules that exist. The regulations such as:
because just the other side of The Lodge is a mountain cliff palace where it is located, so it has a similar concept, namely the concept of nature with the background of the green expanse of pine forests. If you want to visit The Lodge, you can buy an entry ticket and you also have to comply with the general rules that exist. The regulations such as: