Friday, October 30, 2015


Jaipong also known as Jaipongan is a dance that was created in 1961 by Gugum Gumbira. At that time, when President Sukarno prohibited the playing of rock and roll and other western music played in Indonesia, local artists are challenged to offset the prohibition rule by reviving the traditional arts.

He was inspired by folk art, one of which is Ketuk Tilu made aware and know very well the patterns of dance traditions that exist in Kliningan or Bajidoran or Ketuk Tilu. So that he can develop a dance or art that is now known by the name Jaipongan. Jaipongan dance begin appearing in public in 1974 in the Hong Kong Arts, involving the singer-dancer tatih Saleh, Gugum Gumbira as a choreographer, and Nandang Barmaya, a musician and puppeteer. When the government was trying to ban this dance because it feels inclined amoral and sensual. But instead of fading, jaipong even more popular, especially in the '80s. Jaipong dance form when it is no longer presented as a social dance like the dancers, tayub or ketuk tilu dance, in which the dancer position parallel to the spectator, but as a stage dance. Jaipong usually done by female dancers, but it can also be done in pairs (male and female).
this dance more popular and started to increase the frequency of the show both on television, celebration, and celebrations organized by the government or by private companies.