10-historical-Relics-in-Bandung-West Java-Indonesia
Hawu cave is located in Sangadipati Kertamanah tomb complex . This area is often also called pasarean Cikabuyutan Pasir Jambu. It is in Ciwidey, Bandung regency. At this place the five ancestor (ancestors) Sundanese buried . On one section at this location, there are cave Hawu wich often believed as a barometer of success or failure of one's future.
2. Huluwotan Citarum
Citarum Huluwotan region since the first was believed to be one of the locations that are considered to have spiritual powers. It is not surprising, for most people this location became one of the destinations most sought after by the pilgrims, because in addition to the tomb is considered sacred, namely Rangga Wulung Sari shrine grave and Dipati Ukur, also there are springs that are considered as Cikahuripan (the water of life). Both of tomb is located quite far apart, but it does not take long. Their arrival to the tombs, motivated for a variety of needs.